March 29, 2021 1 minutes and 34 seconds read

Paste image from clipboard directly into org-mode document

Personally I really like using org-mode files for creating documentation and presentations. When working with screenshots my normal workflows always has been.

  1. Capture screenshot to clipboard
  2. Save the screenshot to a relative ./images folder and give it a descriptive name.
  3. Manually create link to the screenshot

This works ok but after a while you get the feel that the whole process can be automated.

The following function can help in automating the whole process.

  1. Capture screenshot
  2. In your org-document paste using C-M-y (or call my/insert-clipboard-image) and automatically add the screenshot to an =./images- directory and insert the link to the image.
;; Overview
;; --------
;; Inserts an image from the clipboard by prompting the user for a filename.
;; Default extension for the pasted filename is .png

;; A ./images directory will be created relative to the current Org-mode document to store the images.

;; The default name format of the pasted image is:
;; filename: <yyyymmdd>_<hhmmss>_-_<image-filename>.png

;; Important
;; --------
;; This function depends on 'pngpaste' to paste the clipboard image
;; -> $ brew install pngpaste

;; Basic Customization
;; -------------------
;; Include the current Org-mode header as part of the image name.
;; (setq my/insert-clipboard-image-use-headername t)
;; filename: <yyyymmdd>_<hhmmss>_-_<headername>_-_<image-filename>.png

;; Include the buffername as part of the image name.
;; (setq my/insert-clipboard-image-use-buffername t)
;; filename: <yyyymmdd>_<hhmmss>_-_<buffername>_-_<image-filename>.png

;; Full name format
;; filename: <yyyymmdd>_<hhmmss>_-_<buffername>_-_<headername>_-_<image-filename>.png
(defun my/insert-clipboard-image (filename)
  "Inserts an image from the clipboard"
  (interactive "sFilename to paste: ")
  (let ((file
          (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)
          (format-time-string "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_-_")
          (if (bound-and-true-p my/insert-clipboard-image-use-buffername)
              (concat (s-replace "-" "_"
                                 (downcase (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-name)))) "_-_")
          (if (bound-and-true-p my/insert-clipboard-image-use-headername)
              (concat (s-replace " " "_" (downcase (nth 4 (org-heading-components)))) "_-_")
          filename ".png")))

    ;; create images directory
    (unless (file-exists-p (file-name-directory file))
      (make-directory (file-name-directory file)))

    ;; paste file from clipboard
    (shell-command (concat "pngpaste " file))
    (insert (concat "[[./images/" (file-name-nondirectory file) "]]"))))

(map! :desc "Insert clipboard image"
      :n "C-M-y" 'my/insert-clipboard-image)

A nice setting in org-mode that also helps when viewing large screenshots is the following:

This display the taken screenshot in a acceptable format in your org-mode file.

(after! org
  (setq org-image-actual-width (/ (display-pixel-width) 2)))