March 16, 2021 1 minutes and 59 seconds read

Time tracking with Org Mode and sum time per tag

Tracking time using Org Mode is simple and easy. You can quickly create reports of the time spend on specific tasks. But how do you aggregate time across tasks belonging to tags?

This can be achieved by using a simple formula and the usage of an awesome Org package called Org Aggregate.

Input data

The data below is used for time tracking, note that individual items are tagged!

- Take out the trash :private:
CLOCK: [2021-03-12 Fri 11:24]--[2021-03-12 Fri 11:30] =>  0:06
- Update document for client :client1:
CLOCK: [2021-03-12 Fri 12:45]--[2021-03-12 Fri 13:30] =>  0:45
- Create my awesome note for work :work:
CLOCK: [2021-03-13 Sat 11:24]--[2021-03-13 Sat 12:53] =>  1:29
- Fill in timesheet :work:
CLOCK: [2021-03-12 Fri 11:24]--[2021-03-12 Fri 11:40] =>  0:16


#+BEGIN: clocktable :scope file :maxlevel 3 :tags t :match "work|client1" :header "#+TBLNAME: timetable\n"
#+TBLNAME: timetable
| Tags    | Headline                              | Time |      |      |     T |
|         | *Total time*                            | *2:30* |      |      |       |
|         | Report with filtered tags and sum...  | 2:30 |      |      |       |
|         | \_  Input data                        |      | 2:30 |      |       |
| client1 | \_    Update document for client      |      |      | 0:45 | 00:45 |
| work    | \_    Create my awesome note for work |      |      | 1:29 | 01:29 |
| work    | \_    Fill in timesheet               |      |      | 0:16 | 00:16 |
#+TBLFM: $6='(convert-org-clocktable-time-to-hhmm $5)::@1$6='(format "%s" "T")
  • :tags t used to display the tags
  • :match “work|client’= used to filter the tags of interest
  • :header “#+TBLNAME: timetable\n”= used to name our table so we can process it later on using Org Aggregate
  • #+TBLFM: is using a function to correctly display time in hh:mm so we can use it later on to sum. Note: this is required as the package Org Aggregate that we are using to aggregate data is expecting the time in a hh:mm format
(defun convert-org-clocktable-time-to-hhmm (time-string)
"Converts a time string to HH:MM"
(if (> (length time-string) 0)
(let* ((s (s-replace "*" "" time-string))
(splits (split-string s ":"))
(hours (car splits))
(minutes (car (last splits)))
(if (= (length hours) 1)
(format "0%s:%s" hours minutes)
(format "%s:%s" hours minutes))))

Use Org Aggregate to sum the times of the tags

#+BEGIN: aggregate :table "timetable" :cols "Tags sum(T);U" :cond (not (equal Tags ""))
#+TBLNAME: timetable
| Tags    | sum(T);U |
| client1 |    00:45 |
| work    |    01:45 |
  • :cond used to filter empty rows from the data input!