November 28, 2018 0 minutes and 52 seconds read

Ranger - Show File in Path Finder

Ranger is a VIM-inspired filemanager for the console ( and can easily be installed by using brew install ranger. When working in the terminal sometimes it is nice to open the files in the default Finder app or use the excellent alternative called Path Finder. (

To reveal your files in the Finder or Path Finder create a in ~/.config/ranger and paste the following code.

from ranger.api.commands import Command

class show_files_in_path_finder(Command):

    Present selected files in finder

    def execute(self):
        import subprocess
        files = ",".join(['"{0}" as POSIX file'.format(file.path) for file in])
        reveal_script = "tell application \"Path Finder\" to reveal {{{0}}}".format(files)
        activate_script = "tell application \"Path Finder\" to activate"
        script = "osascript -e '{0}' -e '{1}'".format(reveal_script, activate_script)
        subprocess.check_output(["osascript", "-e", reveal_script, "-e", activate_script])

class show_files_in_finder(Command):

    Present selected files in finder

    def execute(self):
        import subprocess
        files = ",".join(['"{0}" as POSIX file'.format(file.path) for file in])
        reveal_script = "tell application \"Finder\" to reveal {{{0}}}".format(files)
        activate_script = "tell application \"Finder\" to set frontmost to true"
        script = "osascript -e '{0}' -e '{1}'".format(reveal_script, activate_script)
        subprocess.check_output(["osascript", "-e", reveal_script, "-e", activate_script])

Restart Ranger and now you can execute the commands :show_files_in_pathfinder or :show_files_in_finder.