September 18, 2012 0 minutes and 39 seconds read

Troubles getting vsftpd user logged in?

Recently i had the pleasure of installing and using vsftp on a Ubuntu Linux 12.04 system. I closely followed the instructions but keeped getting my head banging against a wall with an error message: 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()

After some googling around i found the following fix.. chmod the folder that the ftp user comes in to as he first login (root folder) by using in terminal:

sudo chmod a-w /home/user

Create a subfolder within the folder, either by the use of GUI or if you only have terminal it’s:

sudo mkdir /home/user/newfolder

Now you should be able to log in and read write within the “newfolder”.

You will NOT be able to write in the root folder itself from the ftp with the chmod a-w, so that is the reason for the subfolder, there you can.