September 13, 2012 0 minutes and 44 seconds read

Installing Markdown on OSX and use it inside VIM

Back again to one of my favorites which is called Markdown. Once every now and then i forget how easy it is. Normally i use Textmate to do all my writing, but recently i have picked up VIM to do some editing etc. Why i did chose VIM? I will not trouble you with that decision :)

Using Textmate everything is easy, but when you want to use Markdown inside VIM it is somewhat different. But anything is different when using VIM :)


  • download Markdown from - The home of Markdown, It’s usual place as this is a Perl script you need to put it somewhere so OSX is able to execute it.
  • start your terminal and create a directory inside usr/local/bin
  • extract the downloaded file and put the file * inside the user/local/bin directory
  • inside the terminal chmod the to 777
  • using the Installing Markdown as OSX Service creates a service to use Markdown
  • You are done… :)